International Journal of Law Research, Education and Social Sciences
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A nexus to access published papers & share your contributions.
International Journal of Law Research, Education and Social Sciences is an Electronic/Online, Bi-Monthly Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International E-Journal with ISSN(O): 3048-7501 established in May 2024 that is open to students, academicians, scholars, professionals, etc. for publishing their Manuscripts in the fields of Management, Humanities, Law, Education, Social Sciences and allied fields.
International Journal of Law Research, Education and Social Sciences is an open-access platform where the contributors can contribute their valuable research work on topics related to Education, Humanities, Management, Law, and Social Sciences. It will act as a bridge between the Researchers and the Contributors where the Researchers can use the published papers for their Research work and contributors can contribute their valuable research work.
With the growing demand for Quality Publications, we are here with the International Journal of Law Research, Education and Social Sciences to expand the horizons in the field of Education, Humanities, Management, Law, Social Sciences and allied fields.
Avid Researchers, Academicians, Research Scholars, Lawyers, Law Students, etc. are invited to submit their original manuscripts for Review and Publication in the form of Articles, Book Reviews, Case Comments, Legislative Comments, and Research Papers.

Journal Title:
International Journal of Law Research, Education and Social Sciences
Publisher: Ms. Sakshi Batham
Publication Body: Jus Corpus
ISSN (O): 3048-7501
Establishment: May 2024
Language: English
Publication Frequency: Bi-Monthly (06 Issues per year)
Accessibility: Open Access
Discipline: Multi-Disciplinary
Plagiarism Software: Turnitin
Plagiarism Limit: 10%
Similarity Limit: 20%
Review Process: Double-Blind Peer Review Process